Delaware Avenue Community Residence
217 Delaware Ave community residence is actually 2 programs in one building. The one level is for adolescents who require trauma informed treatment and permanency planning while residing in a safe setting. The goal is to maintain as many community connections as possible, i.e. school, family, spiritual life, etc. The residents stay for the necessary time to reach their goals, so this is can be either short term or long term depending on the situation. Each resident has an individual plan and individual goals. The other level and program is a semi independent living program designed to assist youth in care to receive the benefits of care while practicing to be on their own. These 18-21 year old youth are supported in finishing school, trade school, finding employment, budgeting, and food shopping, maintaining their environment, and developing social skills. This co-ed group home with ten total beds is located in the City of Albany. 217 Delaware Ave also offers emergency admissions for children of all ages. These admissions are on a more short term basis. They stay at the Delaware Ave location while a more long term plan can be developed.
Program Information
Children between the ages of 5 and 21 who are in the care and custody of the Department of Social Services
Application Process
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Required Documentation
A referral is required from the Department of Social Services, who makes a referral to Parsons' Centralized Intake Department. A determination about appropriateness is made, followed with plans for admission. Referrals can also come in to the on-call intake worker after hours for the emergency room.
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Contact Info
Mon-Fri 8:30 am-4:30 pm
530 Franklin StreetSchenectady NY 12305